Although weather inclement led to its delay, Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation’s Downtown Halloween Trick or Treating drew a massive crowd of kiddos in their costumes on Friday.
Downtown Trick-or-Treating annually takes place on Halloween, but some rain and chilly weather motivated Parks and Recreation to push it back one day. Parks and Recreation Programs Coordinator Pam Rudd says postponing the event was the right decision, because trick-or-treaters were instead able to gather sweet treats during Friday’s warm evening.
Rudd says they had a great crowd of trick-or-treaters and around 50 organizations gave out candy topping last year.
Trick-or-treating this year included the No-Scare Square hosted by the Pennyroyal Center and Rudd called the square a great addition to the event.
To stay up to date on events hosted by Parks and Recreation, visit them on Facebook at Hopkinsville Park’s and Recreation.