Construction is underway for new livestock innovation center 

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode

The Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association (KCA) and University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment are partnering to provide a one stop shop for beef cattle producers. 

KCA staff and legislators recently broke ground on the Kentucky Livestock Innovation Center and celebrates the center as it begins a new chapter for the livestock industry. 

The Kentucky General Assembly allocated funding for the project in the sum of $22 million over a two-years period. The project’s intent is to support the 74,000 farm families in education, research, marketing, and adding value to Kentucky beef. 

The innovation center will offer a variety of supplements surrounding educating and outreach about beef including a culinary center that will showcase the variety that is found in red meat. 

The building is set to finish fall of 2027 and will welcome in the community soon after.