Bark For Life set for Saturday to benefit local Relay For Life cause

The fundraising efforts continue for Christian County Relay for Life, and this Saturday, it’ll go to the dogs as they host the fan-favorite Bark For Life event. 

It all kicks off at 9 a.m. Saturday morning at the Pardue Lane Dog Park in Hopkinsville, and there will be contests for the doggie participants to take part in, including oldest and youngest participant, best costume, furthest travelled, best trick and more. 

Speaking with WHOP recently, Relay organizer Pam Futrell says it’s $10 to register the first dog and then each additional dog is $5, and each attendee will get a goody bag to take home.

All dogs are welcome and there will be event themed t-shirts for sale that day.

All money raised goes right back into benefiting the mission of Relay For Life of helping fund cancer research and providing care and assistance to those battling with cancer locally.  So far, Relay For Life has raised over $68,000 to support cancer patients and survivors, and they’re hoping to break $80,000 before the year is ended. 

To donate to the cause, you can visit the Christian County Relay For Life Facebook page and click on the event link.