bell hooks Book Club to host birthday celebration for the late author

Gloria Jean Watkins, better known by her pen name bell hooks was an author, social theorist and educator who was born and raised in Hopkinsville and passed away in 2021. Wednesday, September 25 marks what would have been her 72nd birthday and to recognize the day the bell hooks book club is inviting the community to a birthday celebration.

To spotlight the upcoming celebration, bell hooks legacy group member Raychel Farmer appeared on WHOP. Farmer shared that the legacy group organized the book club as a way to remember her work and contributions.

On Wednesday the legacy group is partnering with the Museums of Historic Hopkinsville-Christian County, Hopkinsville Community College and the Christian County Literacy Council to host a book club on her birthday to pay tribute to her work and honor her legacy.

At the birthday celebration, the club will be discussing Watkins’ 1996 book “Bone Black: Memories of Girlhood.” In the book, Farmer says Watkins shares her experiences growing up during the era of racial segregation in Hopkinsville.

The birthday celebration is at 6 p.m. on Wednesday in the Anderson Room at Hopkinsville Community College.