HCC is turning 60, and everyone is invited to the party

Hopkinsville Community College is turning 60-years-old, and they’re set to host a birthday party to celebrate the big 6-0.

According to a news release, the party will take place on September 30 at 4 p.m. in the Emerging Technologies building, where William Turner and Jim Hunter, emeritus faculty members, will make remarks about their teaching careers, share fond members, highlight how times have changed and give insights into the history of HCC. 

Through June 2025, HCC will commemorate this milestone through a variety of special events, including showcasing current students, alumni, and faculty who have impacted the growth of the college community.

President and CEO Dr. Alissa Young says, “Our 60th anniversary is an opportunity for everyone in the community to celebrate their connection to HCC. Together, we’ve created a six-decade mosaic of growth and experience that is interwoven into our community and is unique to Hopkinsville.”