Clarksville’s community college announces expansion, renovation plans

Construction and renovations are underway at Clarksville’s Nashville State Community College campus after college leaders broke ground on a new building and are preparing to expand their academic programs and student services.

On May 15, community college leaders along with state and local officials broke ground on a $34 million project that includes the renovation of college’s existing building, construction of a second building, expanded parking and more.

Kathleen Akers, the Clarksville campus director says the expansion project will be done in two phases. The first phase includes the construction of a new three-story building and phase two is the renovation of their current academic building.

Akers says the two buildings will then be connected by a corridor. The new building should be completed by the end of 2025 and then the renovation of the current building is set to be completed by early 2027. Along with renovations, Akers says phase two also includes new landscaping, grading and expanded parking.

With the additional space, Akers says the college will expand their academic and workforce programs to include nursing, secondary education, information technology and advanced manufacturing programs.

The additional space will also be home to student services and spaces. Akers says they will be adding a welcome center, a veteran’s resource center, an expanded campus food pantry, an expanded book store and a career closet for students who need professional attire.

With the expansion, Akers says the college will be able to better serve those seeking higher education and the community as a whole.

More information about the community college’s upcoming expansion can be found at

Photos courtesy of Nashville State Community College