State agriculture department launches Ag Tag donation drive

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture has launched their 2024 Ag Tag donation fund to benefit youth organizations such as 4-H and Future Farmers of America (FFA).

In a press release, Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell says both 4-H and FFA are two youth programs at the forefront of the future of Kentucky agriculture and provide direction for many young people.

To support those programs, Shell is inviting Kentuckians with farm license plates or “Ag Tags” to make a $10 donation when renewing their vehicle plates. Last year’s donation fund raised around $735,000, and both 4-H and FFA received around $245,000 each.

Donation funds will also go toward supporting programs such as the Ag Athlete of the Year awards, the Kentucky Leopold Conservation Award, Kentucky Women in Agriculture and the University of Kentucky Grain and Forage Center of Excellence.