First jury orientation rings in new year with ceremony

While some things certainly change with the turn of the calendar, one thing that won’t change in 2024 is the efforts at the Christian County Justice Center, and a new pool of jurors were present for a ceremony Tuesday morning.

The potential jurors were the first of the new year, and each year, Judge John Atkins hosts a brief ceremony followed by a prayer, asking for guidance and sound judgement on those who make their work there, from the jurors to the judges and everyone in between. 

Lt. Rich Cooper guided the gathering in prayer, saying the work these jurors, and the many others to follow them in 2024, conduct is of vital importance to a fair and just judicial system.

He urged them to see the weight in their actions and to act accordingly, as they will have to take facts and evidence into consideration and make judgements that will have guaranteed impacts.

Lt. Cooper says the juror system remains one of the core tenants of democracy, where everyone has the right to a fair and speedy trial by a jury of their peers, no matter their circumstances. He says it is often a task that comes with its own challenges, making the service all that more striking and vital.

Upon conclusion of the prayer, work got underway, with the first jury orientation of 2024 in Division Two beginning at once.