United Way approaches their fundraising goal

After launching their campaign in September, the United Way of the Pennyrile is nearing their fundraising goal of $700,000 to benefit 18 regional partner agencies.

One half of the Blues Brothers duo and campaign co-chair, Cody Noffsinger appeared on WHOP recently and shared that they have raised $611,000 for this year’s campaign so far, but still have a long way to go.

Although they are close to their goal, based on historic donation patterns, Noffsinger says they may end this year’s campaign short of their fundraising goal. With there being a possibility that they may not reach their goal, Noffsinger invites those who haven’t yet to donate to their mission.

Noffsinger says those donating to the campaign are getting the best bang for their buck and are helping fund early childhood education, alleviate food sensitivity and serving those who are homeless and victims of abuse.  

Along with working to raise funds or their partner agencies the United Way also provides support to the agencies regarding their practices. More information about the 18 partner agencies and how to donate is available at United Way of the Pennyrile on Facebook and at pennyrileunitedway.org.

The United Way’s campaign is set to conclude in February.