Forgotten Angels organizer requests stocking stuffer donations

The Pennyrile Area Development District is inviting the community to lend a helpful hand with their 17th annual Forgotten Angels Project which serves to provide Christmas presents to those in personal care homes during the holiday season.

Pennyrile District Ombudsman, Cindy Tabor says in her role she makes visits to residents in long term care facilities and found that those in personal care homes didn’t have as much support from their friends and families.

Tabor says the name “Forgotten Angels” came for the idea of addressing the needs of those that they thought have been forgotten about or left behind.  

Tabor says out of the 445 angels they are taking care of this year, only three have yet to be adopted. However, what they need in order to complete their gifts, is stocking stuffers and Tabor says they are at a standstill in donations.

 For stocking stuffers, Tabor says they are looking for snacks, blankets, socks, board games, hygiene items and much more. Items with razors, alcohol or glass are prohibited.

Those interested in donating stocking stuffers to this year’s Forgotten Angels Project can drop off gifts at the PADD Office at 300 Hammond Drive and the deadline is Friday.