Fire Department hosts annual breast cancer awareness fundraiser

October marks Breast Cancer awareness month, and to locally provide support for those living with the illness, the Hopkinsville Fire Department has been hosting their annual t-shirt fundraiser to benefit the Pink Ribbon Network.

The Pink Ribbon Network is a local breast cancer support group that offers multiple avenues of support for those with the illness financially, connect them to resources and offer emotional support from people who have gone through the same illness.

During October, the department hosts their annual fundraiser of creating a selling a department t-shirt raising awareness for breast cancer with all of the funds going toward the network. Department and EMS Lt. Payton Rogers says he has found fundraiser shirts that date back to 2014 and says it’s one of their most popular fundraisers.

Rogers says breast cancer awareness is a cause that those in the department are close too and have been affected by, with some having had family members diagnosed with the illness.

 Last year the department raised $3,000 for the network, and this year Rogers hopes they are able to exceed that amount and feels like they are well on their way, but reminds the public they can’t do it without their support.

Until the end of the month department breast cancer awareness t-shirts can be bought locally at Bella Marie Boutique, Gracious Me Boutique, Southern Honey and at the department headquarters. Rogers says they plan to present a check to the network before the end of the year.

Flyer courtesy of Hopkinsville Fire/EMS on Facebook