Federal, state delegation celebrates destruction of remaining chemical weapons stockpile

Kentuckians, along with representatives from state and federal governments, celebrated the destruction of the last of the chemical weapon stockpile at the Blue Grass Army Depot in Madison County. 

One of those celebrating was Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has been advocating for the destruction of those chemical weapons for years.  He says that with the destruction of those weapons—which was finally completed in July of this year—Kentuckians are safer and Americans are making good on a promise to never again deploy or produce chemical weapons. 

He says the effort was hard fought and was only possible through the ongoing dedication of many, many people to see it done.

Governor Andy Beshear says Kentuckians have shown what they are capable of getting done, not just to protect fellow citizens but the country as a whole.

Senator McConnell says it has been one of the great honors of his career to lead this charge at the federal level. The munitions destroyed in the Commonwealth were the last of 51,000 M-55 rockets with GB nerve agent that have been stored at the depot since the 1940s.