Western Kentucky Fair Board gears up for tractor pull, demolition derby

Heading toward the weekend, the Western Kentucky Fair Board is inviting the community to a tractor pull, jump and run show and a demolition derby.

Fair Board President, Brad Hewell appeared on WHOP to highlight what the Board has planned for the community on Friday and Saturday.

Kicking off at 7 p.m. on Friday is the farm and altered tractor pull competition where community members can participate and spectate. A tractor pull is a competition where tractors pull weighted trailers and the tractor that pulls the heaviest trailer is declared the winner of the competition.

Hewell says those who are interested in competing in the tractor pull can weigh in at Southern States – Hopkinsville Cooperative from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday. The competition will have a division for both altered and farm tractors.

Tractor pull rules can be found on the Western Kentucky State Fair Facebook page.

On Saturday the jump and run will kick off at 6 p.m. and Hewell says the last jump and run the Board organized was a part of this year’s fair, but they did not have as many cars as they were hoping for. Hewell says he spoke with drivers about making ramp adjustments, and looks forward to giving the event another shot.

The demolition derby will directly follow the jump and run show on Saturday. Along with the festivities Hewell says they will have fair food available for attendees.

The tractor pull starts at 7 p.m. on Friday and the jump and run show starts at 6 p.m. on Saturday with the demolition derby following. Tickets for both days are $10 for grandstand seats and $15 for pit seats closer to the action. Tickets will be sold at the gate at the fairgrounds at 2810 Richard St.