Todd Fiscal Court approves tax rates, reapportionment

Todd County Fiscal Court approved their tax levy rates on second-reading at Friday morning’s meeting and approved funding for getting some county roads paved. 

Magistrates voted unanimously to leave the rate at 9.9 cents per $100 dollars of assessed value on second-reading, leaving the rates unchanged from many years. Magistrates also approved the new contracts with the Christian County Regional Animal Shelter, with Judge-Executive Todd Mansfield saying it is $15,000, which is an increase from the prior contracts.

Also approved was a resolution to accept in the amount of roughly $225,000 to go towards pavement of Tucker Lane, a portion of Z. Road, portion of Goshen Road and a portion of Big Pound Road.

In other action, Todd Fiscal Court approved the reapportionment of magisterial districts on second-reading, making the districts in line with the 2020 Census population data.