Hopkinsville/Christian County High Boys’ Golf teams discuss start of season (Photos and Audio)

While most fall sports teams are spending their final days of summer break practicing and preparing for their season, local golf teams are already in action as Christian County and Hopkinsville High have already competed in three tournaments.

Despite being considered as longtime rivals, Hopkinsville and Christian County players have had to put any differences aside as  both schools are sharing the same coach this season in Austin Knight.

This is Knight’s third season coaching Hopkinsville but his first working with the Colonels.

Austin Knight (on the left) working with one of his players.

Coach Knight talked about the tasks of juggling between the two teams and how he is has handled them.

On the other side, Knight discussed how he feels the players have handled the combined coaching.

Even though at times, he coaches all the players at once, they are still a part of two different teams. Knight explained his expectations for both teams.


(Christian Co.)

Drew Fincham, a sophmore for Christian County is looking to make a big jump in his performance this season, and feels he has made some vast improvements.

Sophomore Drew Fincham

Coach Knight went on to support Fincham’s claim saying that Drew put in an abundance of work during the offseason.

For Hopkinsville, Joey Falco a senior, talked about some goals that he has for the season as a team and as an individual his last season as a Tiger.

Senior Joey Falco

With the hotter temperatures as of late, it has proved to be an extra challenge, but Knight explained some keys has tried to instill into his players in dealing with the dog days of summer.

Hopkinsville and Christian County will be looking for some home-cooking as they will be in action for a tournament on Monday, July 31 at the Hopkinsville Golf and Country Club.


*Practice Photos