Hopkinsville City Council hears positive financial report

After honoring city official retirees with keys to the city, the Hopkinsville City Council returned to their regularly scheduled meeting to discuss the June financial report.

The financial report summed up the revenues and expenses for the fiscal year.

Chief Financial Officer, Melissa Clayton started the report by highlighting a historic payroll milestone for Hopkinsville.

Beyond the payroll, the fiscal year’s revenues outweigh the expenses by nearly $3,000,000 for the General Fund, $61,000 for the Municipal Road Aid Fund and $15,000 for the Capital Fund.

All of the city’s department expenses remained within budget. Clayton listed the percentages of departmental budgets that were used during the fiscal year.

With this year’s revenue, as of June 2023 nearly $15,000,000 make up the available general fund cash balance with 34.5% of the fund having yet to be assigned.

Closing out the meeting the Council reviewed and did a second reading of ordinances 23 through 29 which focused on topics such as paid curbside recycling, code enforcement fine increases, zoning for subdivisions and the closing of alley between East 16th and East 15th streets.

The Council approved all of the ordinances for the second time.