Sewing class, Red Cross collaborate to help children in need

The Western Kentucky Chapter of the Red Cross and the Christian County Sewing with Anita class partnered to provide a source of comfort to children who have gone through traumatic and displacing events.

Red Cross Assistant Duty Officer Kathy Hayes came across work being done by the sewing class on social media and reached out to one of the participants about the possibility of them helping the Red Cross.

Christian County Certified Master Clothing Volunteer and class teacher Anita Cummins along with her class worked as an assembly line to create stuffed bunnies. Cummins said that when she was approached with the idea for the project, she had already had some of the bunny cut outs made and heads stuffed.

Cummins picked the project back up alongside her class and used upcycled material. Cummins said she plans to continue to teach more about upcycling material.

Red Cross Chapter Director, Misty Thomas said she is happy with how the partnership worked out and what they will now be able to provide children.

The Sewing with Anita class meets every Friday at 9 a.m. at the Christian County Extension Office in the Project Room.