Two CCHS students win first, second in Congressional Art Competition

Two Christian County High School students have placed first and second in Kentucky’s First Congressional District’s 2023 Congressional Art Competition.

According to Congressman James Comer’s office, in first place, and the winner of the art competition, is Jasmine Larkins with the drawing titled “Derby Hat” and it will hang in the United States Capitol.

Then in second place, also of Christian County High School, is Addison Piatt, with the pencil portrait “First Female to Orbit the Moon”.  That art work will be displayed in Congressman James Comer’s office in Washington, D.C.

Third place went to Jesse McClain of Washington County High School, for the chalk pastel drawing titled “School Sports One Ball at a Time”.

Congressman Comer says, “Congratulations to Jasmine, Addison, and Jesse on their impressive artwork. The 2023 Congressional Art Competition included many excellent submissions from Kentucky’s 1st District. I am proud to select these pieces and place them on full display in the U.S. Capitol, my Washington, D.C. office, and Tompkinsville office.”