School board approves teacher ambassador job description for Freedom Elementary

The Christian County School Board approved paperwork related to the reroofing project at Pembroke Elementary School at a meeting Wednesday and job descriptions for teacher ambassadors at Freedom Elementary.

The emergency reroofing project at Pembroke was due to the December 2021 tornado that caused extensive damage to the building.  Director of Finance Jessica Darnell says this BG-4 is the closing out of the contract on just the reroofing portion, as they’re still awaiting the delivery of HVAC units and furniture.

The board approved the BG-4 unanimously—the reroof had a price tag of roughly $1.2 million that was funded by insurance and grants.

Assistant Superintendent Jessica Addison presented the teacher ambassador proposal that would allow Freedom Elementary Principal Leslie Lancaster to designate up to ten teachers with the capacity to work on improving educator aptitude. It comes with a $9,500 stipend and an increased workload.

The endeavor is funded through the state’s School Improvement Fund and could last about a year and a half. Addison says if a teacher signed the agreement but didn’t meet the work requirements, they would miss out on the pay.

The board voted to approve the job description, in the hope of helping Freedom Elementary reach its improvement goal to no longer be a TSI designation school in the state.