UHA Blazes Their Way Into Semifinal

Unlike the Lady Colonels, the Lady Blazers drew the most difficult draw they could. Quarterfinals against the only non-division winner with a winning record. A possible semifinal matchup with not only the widely considered best team in the region, but the host team, and then of course if they were to make the final they will have played three straight days driving an hour plus each way.

We have no idea how the semifinal and beyond will play out, but I can now say definitively that the first part, that Quarterfinal against the only non-district winner with a winning record, did not seem to matter all that much.

The Lady Blazers came out swinging, as they went on a 6-0 run to start set number one. This forced Caldwell County to call a timeout about as early as you will see a coach call one. Clearly UHA came to play and they meant to handle their business decisively.

Further proving that point, out of the Caldwell timeout the Lady Blazers just blazed right on to a 21-8 lead before Caldwell had to call another timeout. As was once said in the famed Karate Kid franchise, show your opponent ‘no mercy’ and UHA lived up to that. Even out of this second Caldwell timeout, it was UHA who continued to pour on steam getting up 24-11 before maybe foreshadowing set two by giving up three points before they ended the set 25-14.

As set two began something certainly seemed different about the Lady Tigers of Caldwell County. Starting set one down six to nothing almost put them on their heels and they never fully recovered. Set two, they were the aggressor early. UHA made several unforced errors and like any team at this stage in the postseason, Caldwell took advantage. Lady Blazer head coach Faye Hendricks called a timeout with her team trailing 8-11 and according to her just explained the situation. Well whatever she said it worked, and even her husband made sure to let you know how motivating her talks can be.

All jokes aside, again whatever she said, it worked. UHA came back with a new fire lit beneath them and never really looked back.

Caldwell would call timeout several minutes later all of a sudden trailing 17-14, and to make matters worse, that would be the last time they saw a point in this set.

Just minutes later another Lady Tiger timeout now trailing 21-14 and UHA did not let up making it a 25-14 final. Same as set one, yes I checked purely coincidence.

As if all but shutting them down completely and going on an 8-0 run to end set two wasn’t enough, the Lady Blazers would begin set three on a 7-0 run. It really was some of their best volleyball, and some of the best we have seen in the region when taking on a more than capable opponent.

For example, after going down by seven, and getting railroaded giving up eight straight in set two to lose, did Caldwell roll over? No sir and madam they did not. Those claws came right back out and they cut the set three deficit to 8-5 before the Lady Blazers cranked up the heat again and took their lead to 11-5; timeout Caldwell.

We would not see another timeout, but Caldwell would fight to the bitter end and UHA would relax ever so slightly to ultimately make set three a 25-17 final in favor of the Lady Blazers.

They sweep Caldwell County three sets to none, and headed home early.

It is that headed home early part that cannot be overstated. With an hour plus drive back, longest of teams remaining in the region, and the girls all having homework to do, that sweep meant getting home before Henderson, as great as they are, could finish off Livingston Central.

Despite getting their own sweep and being at home, the Lady Colonels of the north more than likely were not in bed quite as quickly or as early as the Lady Blazers.

That, combined with how well UHA played yesterday bodes well for them in the semifinal.

A couple other things to keep in mind. UHA and Henderson, despite being at many of the same tournaments, never played each other this season or really even had the chance to watch each other play prior to the quarterfinals on Tuesday night. also, according to coach Hendricks, that was not even her team at their best. That is right, you heard me, coach Hendricks said she does not believe we have seen, or she has seen, this team play their best.

Here is our full postgame interview with her.

Some hefty statements right there and some high praise as well. One last thing to note, the Lady Blazers were down a few players due to undisclosed illness. If they get that depth back, it only bolsters their chances to upset Henderson County on route to a region championship. Something even the mighty UHA Lady Blazers cannot say they have done ever.

Oh, and as if this matchup did not have enough intrigue already, the last two times that UHA made it to the title game (2018, 2019) they lost both times to Henderson County.