Hearing set for bond motion for elder abuse murder suspect

Proceedings were continued until a bond motion can be heard on October 31 for Ann Harrison, one of the suspects charged with murder in relation to the death of an elderly victim.

Harrison, who is facing charges of murder, first-degree criminal abuse, knowing abuse/neglect of an adult, knowingly exploiting an adult over $300 and eight counts of second-degree cruelty to animals, appeared in Christian Circuit Court Wednesday alongside public defender Doug Moore. Moore intended to argue for bond modification, but due to a lack of a written motion, Judge Andrew Self told him it would have to happen on a different date—they set one for October 31.

Moore says he continues to wait for all the evidence in the case, and Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Jerad Smith says there is a significant amount of it.

Another pretrial hearing was also for December 19, which is when co-defendant Jacob Gilstrap is scheduled to appear.

The suspects are charged with first-degree criminal abuse, knowing abuse/neglect of an adult, knowingly exploiting an adult over $300, eight counts of second-degree cruelty to animals and murder. The victim in the case, 70-year-old Anthony Wayne Gilstrap, died recently at ContinueCARE Hospital in Madisonville, due to the state of his health while they were reportedly his caretakers.

They allegedly forced Anthony Gilstrap to live alone in deplorable conditions inside a camper outside of their Timberline Circle home between March 1 and July 10. Medical staff reported signs of sepsis, gangrene, an open wound to the bone of the victim’s leg and numerous pressure ulcers consistent with neglect. Bilateral leg amputations were necessary, according to the warrant.