Local students join Mayor’s Youth Council

The newest members of the Mayor’s Youth Council were announced at Tuesday’s Hopkinsville City Council meeting, as the program gets back underway after being put on hold in recent years.

Juniors and seniors who are home schooled or attend public or private high schools in Christian County were encouraged to apply from the program, which Mayor Wendell Lynch says will allow those local students to see how local government truly operates.

This year’s program will be host to five sessions with city departments, utilities, agencies, and elected officials; at least two student choice sessions where Council members determine each agenda’s focus. Coordinator Nikki Durham says they’re very excited to bring this program back and the students will have a chance to be a voice for their generation to the city.

The delegation includes Jada Ashbery, Ella Brown, Faith Folz, McKenzie Hyams and Rilee Joiner, all from Hopkinsville High School, Dominique Davie, Cloud Latham, Noah Rager, Sherissa Russell-Robinson, Kaitlin White and Na’Shiya Wilson, all of Christian County High School. From University Heights Academy are Rachel Cavanah, Addi Fourqurean, Anna Fourqurean and Chaney Guffey, and Heritage Christian Academy has Hailey Killebrew.