Candidates for District 9 State Rep. talk priorities in LWV forum

The candidates for State Representative in District 9 talked priorities, constitutional amendments and natural disaster preparedness in their Hopkinsville League of Women Voters forum Thursday.

Incumbent Republican Myron Dossett will face democratic challenger Bianca Crockam on the November ballot, and they both have big ideas for Kentucky and the future.  Crockam says she sees a future for the state that includes quality public education, thriving small farmers and affordable housing.

Representative Dossett says he sees a future in Kentucky where youth want to live here after finishing school, and a state that provides everyone equal opportunities to succeed.

Dossett says, if re-elected, he wants to keep tax reform at the top of the priority list and get a hold of rising inflation by introducing a bill that would lower property taxes by increases the homestead exemption for those on a fixed income.

Crockman says her top priorities would be creating incentives for small farmers and providing funding opportunities to help them where they need, and also increase funding for public schools and create initiatives to help with loss learning recovery, from when students were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can hear their remarks in full below: