Man accused of tossing ‘Molotov cocktail’ at students on Murray State campus

Kentucky State Police arrested a Murray man Saturday after he allegedly tossed a “Molotov cocktail” at a group of students on the Murray State campus.

A news release says 19-year old Jack Epperson of Murray approached several female students near a housing complex on the southwest side of the campus and threw the explosive “Molotov cocktail” in the direction of the students.

Epperson burned his hands in the process and fled the area in a vehicle. The students were not injured.

Epperson required treatment at Murray-Calloway County Hospital and was then arrested and charged with two counts of attempted first-degree assault and one count of possession of a destructive device.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives is conducting a separate investigation relating to the destructive device.