Candidates for Christian Fiscal Court Magistrate in District 4 meet in debate

The two Republicans running to be Christian Fiscal Court Magistrate in District 4 met in a League of Women Voters debate forum Monday afternoon.

J. E. Pryor is challenging incumbent Darrell Gustafson in the May primary, and the both fielded topics concerning public library funding—which they both supported—public participation and perception, public safety and more.

Pryor says one thing he would like to address in District 4 is make sure local first responders have up to date radio technology so they can communicate effectively.

Gustafson says he would like to see something change to address and benefit the homeless population in District 4.

Pryor says when infrastructure funding comes to Christian County, he would like to focus on repairing roads first. Gustafson says most federal funding comes marked with what it can actually be spent on, and Fiscal Court has used a good chunk of it to expand broadband internet service in the county.

Whoever wins the primary election will likely go on to serve as magistrate in District 4, as no Democrats have filed to seek the seat.

Debates continued in the afternoon for the Republican candidates running for magistrate in District 6, incumbent Phillip Peterson and James McKnight.