KYTC: Plan sober ride home if you intend to drink alcohol Super Bowl Sunday

State officials are encouraging Super Bowl watchers this weekend to have a good time, but to not get behind the wheel if they consume alcohol.

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s Office of Highway Safety is teaming with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for a “Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk” reminder urging football fans to drive unimpaired and avoid a major fumble.

Transportation Cabinet Secretary Jim Gray says, “Drunken driving crashes are 100 percent preventable. Drivers must understand that drugs and/or alcohol not only hinder your ability to drive but also affect your judgment about whether you can or should drive. You may think you’re fine, but impairment slows judgment, coordination and reaction times.”

Preliminary numbers indicate 116 people in Kentucky were killed in crashes that involved a drunken driver in 2021.

Officials remind fans who do plan to drink alcohol to at a Super Bowl gathering to have a safe and sober ride home planned in advance and to not let someone at your party drive away if you know they’re impaired.