Ky. adds nearly 10k COVID cases, positivity rate at 23.67 percent

Kentucky continues to break its own records where it comes to COVID-19, as Governor Andy Beshear reported nearly another 10,000 new cases Thursday.

That means the positivity rate is up again as well, now at 23.67 percent, with 9,836 new COVID cases and35 newly reported deaths.  Governor Beshear says along with those record-breaking numbers, this was the highest number of new cases in a week for the entirety of the pandemic and hospitalizations also seem to be increasing.

He says do yourself a favor and get vaccinated or boosted, if you haven’t already, because the vaccines have proven effective at keeping people from becoming badly sick or dying from COVID-19.

On the COVID-19 state incidence rate map, every county but two in the state are listed as ‘red’, as omicron surges throughout the Commonwealth.  There are currently 1,783 individuals in the hospital with COVID-19, 402 in the ICU and 227 on a ventilator.