Details still to be determined on possible vaccine, testing standard for Hopkinsville

Hopkinsville City Council heard an update on possible OSHA standards on COVID-19 vaccines and testing at Tuesday’s meeting, though no policy has yet been presented.

Human Resources Officer Kenneth Grabara says the reason he hasn’t presented council with a policy document just yet is because so much of what it might contain is up in the air still. OSHA has issued a federal temporary standard on vaccination and testing protocols, but Grabara says dates keep changing, and the Supreme Court is set to review the mandate and determine whether it will stand or be eliminated this month.

It would make a temporary standard that employees either become vaccinated or take part in a testing program—Grabara says they are not considering a vaccine requirement.

He says there would be roughly 150 employees being tested through the testing program—should that come to pass—and they expect it could cost the city roughly $20,000 every six months to operate.