Sen. Westerfield talks judicial redistricting as General Assembly session starts Tuesday

While many things are set to be tackled in the 2022 session of the Kentucky General Assembly that kicks off next week, a local senator says it’s past time for substantial judicial redistricting in the state.

Senator Whitney Westerfield of Christian County says he knows his county is on the list to possibly get a new circuit court division and badly needs another family court division, but he’s not sure where that stands as they head into session. He says politics stands in the way of a state-wide judicial redistricting effort, and that frustrates him.

At the moment, he says he can’t support a plan that only addresses portions of the problem.

Senator Westerfield says the problem of heavy caseloads in each county is only going to get worse the longer it goes unaddressed—he says people should be able to get their cases heard quickly, no matter where in the state they live.

Westerfield expects that legislative redistricting is at the top of the list for things the assembly will handle first once they gavel in, but he’s hopeful to see a more comprehensive plan for judicial redistricting as well.