CCHD urging extra-caution as COVID-19 cases surge locally

The Christian County Health Department is urging people to be extra-cautious in your COVID measures this weekend as you celebrate Labor Day to help keep spread of the virus down.

Amanda Sweeney-Brunt with the health department says the community has seen a spike in COVID-19 cases recently—with 468 reported in the last week—and she says their contact tracers are having a hard time keeping up with demand.  She asks that if you receive a positive test result, go ahead and reach out to those who could be a close contact.

She says if you are a close contact, you only have a quarantine if you are not vaccinated, but if you are vaccinated, they encourage you to get tested three-to-five days after exposure to make sure you’re good.  Brunt says if you need information from the health department for your employer concerning quarantine requirements, contact Beth Campbell via email at the health department.

If you are a close contact of someone within your home, Brunt urges you to isolate from them as much as possible as needed care of the positive individual will allow, and to monitor your own symptoms for at least 14 days.