Nominations are now being accepted for possible recipients of the Hal and Bettye Thurmond Award, which is presented by the Human Rights Commission at the Unity Breakfast in October.
According to a news release from the Commission, nominees should be someone in the Hopkinsville, Christian County area who is making a difference in the community through their dedication to human relations. Nominations, along with a brief explanation on why they should receive the award, must be turned in by 4 p.m. on September 24.
The award is named for Hal Thurmond and his wife Bettye whose work to integrate housing, lunch counters, and public schools and to improve race relations in Christian County in the 1950s and 60s earned them a posthumous induction into the Kentucky Civil Rights Hall of Fame in the fall of 2006.
Nominations can be turned in to the Hopkinsville Human Rights Commission located at 715 South Virginia Street or by going online to the City of Hopkinsville website.
The Unity Breakfast will take place at the James Bruce Convention Center on October 25 and the keynote speaker will be Terrance Sullivan, the Executive Director of the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights.