Commonwealth looking to revoke probation for Sam Miller after April DUI

There will be a revocation hearing next week in Christian Circuit Court for Sam Miller, one of the four men who took plea deals for their roles in the 2014 sexual assault of a male juvenile at a party on Lafayette Road.

Miller entered a guilty plea in August of 2016 to complicity to wanton endangerment, complicity to tampering with evidence and distribution of matter portraying a minor in a sex performance. The deal came with a 13 year sentence, but it was noted Miller would be eligible to apply for shock probation after a year.

He was granted shock probation in August of 2017.

The Commonwealth filed a motion to revoke that probation on May 3 after Miller was arrested by Oak Grove Police April 21 for DUI.

The arrest citation says he was stopped by Officer Robert Fitzpatrick for going 75 mph in a 55 mph zone on Fort Campbell Boulevard and the officer noticed an odor of alcohol coming from him and his vehicle. He also performed poorly on field sobriety tests and the court motion says he registered a blood alcohol content of .115.

Miller admitted to drinking two beers earlier in the evening while being placed under arrest, according to the citation.

He was arrested again June 16 on a probation violation warrant.

Use of alcohol and a new arrest would both be violations of conditions of his shock probation and the Commonwealth will argue at a hearing Wednesday that Judge John Atkins should revoke his probation and keep him in the custody of the Department of Corrections, as he’s currently lodged in the Christian County Jail.

Miller will be able to have his own attorney in the courtroom to argue against revocation.

Dayton Jones, Colton Cavanaugh and Tyler Perry also pleaded guilty to various crimes related to the assault that caused life-threatening injuries to the victim.