Brice Long Back 2 Back Foundation concert is Saturday

The Brice Long Back 2 Back Foundation concert is back in-person this Saturday after being virtual last year and the musician himself is excited to come home.

The concert is at the Alhambra Theatre starting at 7 p.m. Saturday, and Long says he’s excited to play on that stage again for the first time in a long time, calling it a gem in Hopkinsville.

There will be showings from song writers Phillip White, Marla Cannon-Goodman and Josh Martin to start off the performance, with Long saying people will really get to hear the stories of how some of their favorite songs came into being.

Long says he’s proud of how much the Back 2 Back Foundation has grown, but that wouldn’t have been possible without the tremendous generosity of the community.

There are only a few available tickets remaining, which can be purchased on the Pennyroyal Arts Council website.  The money raised will stay local to help up to 50 or so families in Christian, Todd and Trigg counties have a happy Christmas this year.