Comer, McConnell react to President Biden address

Members of Western Kentucky’s delegation to Washington, D.C. are reacting to President Biden’s address to Congress Wednesday night, accusing him of not trying to unify the country.

Congressman James Comer issued a statement saying, “In his address to Congress, President Biden revealed the next steps in his $6 trillion plan to bankrupt America while failing to meaningfully address the crisis he created on our southern border. Instead of finding common ground with Republicans to invest in our roads, secure the border and get Americans back to work, he doubled down on partisanship and spending trillions more to fund the Green New Deal and other wasteful spending on the backs of our children, grandchildren and job-creators.”

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky claims President Biden ran as a moderate, but isn’t governing as one.

He says he didn’t hear anything that would appeal to a more moderate point of view.

Comer adds, “Congress must reject these reckless tax increases and spending sprees that will devastate our economy.”