Gov. loosens some restrictions on large gatherings, reports 231 new COVID cases

Governor Andy Beshear reported 231 new confirmed coronavirus cases in Kentucky Monday and he warns there could be a fourth wave that other states are seeing if a greater percentage of younger Kentuckians do not get vaccinated.

There were more new cases last week than the prior week, but less than two weeks ago. Governor Beshear says the positivity rate is 3.46 percent and a fourth wave will come to Kentucky if the pace of Kentuckians choosing to be vaccinated doesn’t pick up.

Approximately 1.65 million Kentuckians—over half of the adult population—have gotten at least their first dose and the vaccine’s effectiveness is showing, especially in long-term care facilities where there were no deaths Monday.

The governor says statistics are also showing that the number of African-Americans becoming sick and dying from COVID is no longer disproportionately high from Kentucky’s overall population.

Governor Beshear is loosening some restrictions on large gatherings as we approach graduation and wedding season. Public Health Commissioner Dr. Steven Stack says venues that hold up to 1,000 people can operate at 60 percent capacity and those that hold over 1,000 can welcome half-capacity.

Nine more COVID deaths were reported, four recent and five from the ongoing audit of the state’s reporting system.

Todd County is red again on the state incidence rate map, Trigg is orange again and Christian remained orange and is not far from the red threshold.