Fate unknown for gas tax increase bill

The top legislative priority for the Kentucky Association of Counties and League of Cities remains raising the state’s tax on a gallon of gasoline by a dime to increase funding to improve highway infrastructure, but it remains to be seen if there’s support in Frankfort to make that happen.

Ninth District state Representative Myron Dossett of Pembroke won’t support a hike to the gas tax, noting gas prices are already on the rise and many people are struggling financially due to the pandemic.

Representative Walker Thomas isn’t sure if there’s support to pass it, but says the measure would also require owners of hybrid and electric vehicles to pay an extra registration fee to help with upkeep of roads.

Senate Bill 211 made headlines across the country, as it would make it a crime to insult a police officer in some instances. Senator Whitney Westerfield opposed the measure, noting it would likely be a violation of freedom of speech.

That legislation cleared the Senate and is now in the House.

Hear local legislators discuss these issues and others Sunday morning at 9 on Lite Rock 98.7 and online at lite987whop.com.