School board hears learning recovery plan, finance report

The Christian County School Board heard a presentation on the learning recovery plan in place to get students back on track from lost learning due to pandemic closures.

In-person learning will continue as planned in the schools, with the majority of students back in the buildings, and around 600 students still in the Virtual Learning Academy. Director of Instruction Jessica Addison says so far, schools have been focusing on aggressive intervention to make up lost work and see where students need further education to catch them up. She says they are looking to start a summer learning institute to help students who have fallen behind or even who just want the extra studies.

She says there are many students who simply weren’t turning in assignments—being back in school has helped correct that. The summer institute would start towards the end of May and run until June 2 and they’ll be gauging interest and possible enrollment in March and April.

In a finance update, Director of Finance Jessica Darnell says while their revenues are down compared to last year, due to a change in SEEK allocations and other factors, their expenses in the district are also down.

The district is planning to budget for future COVID-19 related disinfecting as needed, any required PPE, replacing aging or broken technology needs and any possible facility needs, using coronavirus relief funds from state and federal governments.

In other action, the board approved Swift Roofing, Inc. to do a re-roofing project on South Christian Elementary School in the amount of $869,750 and approved McGee’s Pest Control for approximately $9,900 a week to continue disinfecting the district facilities for COVID-19 for the next six months.