Kentucky’s vaccine supply is increasing again

Kentucky’s getting a significant boost to its weekly COVID-19 vaccine supply as the number of new cases continues to decline.

Governor Andy Beshear reported 1,255 new cases Tuesday—the lowest Tuesday total in several weeks—and 27 additional deaths.

The positivity rate declined again to 6.58 percent and hospitalizations and ICU admissions were about steady.

The governor says he’s been assured by the federal government that the vaccine supply will be boosted by another 29 percent.

Another piece of good news is the doubling of the national partnership with pharmacies to administer vaccines.

About 538,000 Kentuckians have received their first dose of the vaccine since the effort began.

Tennessee reported 962 new cases and 17 more deaths. Hospitalizations were up 11 to 1,106 and the Volunteer State’s positivity rate was 8.87 percent.