‘Born Alive Bill’ passes the full Senate

Senate Bill 9, more commonly known as the “Born Alive Bill,” was passed Thursday by the full Senate.

Senator Whitney Westerfield is the bill’s primary sponsor and says it specifies any infant born alive must be given appropriate medical care to preserve life.

He says it would prohibit any medical provider in Kentucky from refusing to provide care to an infant.

The legislation is often thought of as a pro-life measure to require medical care after failed abortions, but Westerfield says he’s spoken to Kentuckians who were devastated when extremely premature infants were denied an attempt at medical care to keep the infant alive.

Any violation of the legislation could result in the medical provider’s license being revoked and felony charges.

The Born Alive Bill passed in 2020, but was vetoed by Governor Andy Beshear. Westerfield hopes to see the bill get to the governor’s desk prior to the veto recess this year so both chambers can override a potential veto.

The legislation now heads to the House.