Ky. sees jump in COVID-19 cases, positivity rate

Kentucky saw a jump in both number of positive COVID-19 cases and in the positivity rate Wednesday, as reported by Governor Andy Beshear.

He announced 3,784 new cases, and the positivity rate jumped back up above nine percent to 9.09 percent—the Governor calls the progress to stop the spread of COVID-19 ‘fragile’, and the need for everyone to be safe on New Year’s is greater than ever.

Governor Beshear says the state’s elevated positivity rate may be the result of some labs and public testing sites closing for the holidays this week, increasing the percentage of tests conducted in medical settings where patients are already experiencing symptoms and suspect they may have the virus.

Twenty-nine more Kentuckians have now died, putting the death toll at 2,623. The Tennessee Department of Health reported 8,220 new coronavirus cases, along with 100 new deaths in the Volunteer State.