CCHD preparing for COVID-19 vaccine distribution

The Christian County Health Department is making plans to distribute COVID-19 vaccines to the community as they become available.

The department gave an update on the COVID-19 pandemic locally Wednesday afternoon, with Amanda Sweeney saying November had the highest amount of deaths reported since the pandemic began, with the total now up to 49. She says if the trends continue, December could have record numbers of new cases.

Beth McCraw with Jennie Stuart Health says they recently saw their highest number of COVID-19 positive patients in the hospital, with 23 currently housed—she says they continue to see people coming to them from their own homes.

Sweeney says it’s unclear exactly when they’ll start receiving vaccines, and the first rounds will go to certain people, but when they do they hope to host drive-through clinics.

The health department continues to offer free testing at Tie Breaker Park, but now only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. That testing site will be discontinued after December 31.

They are now offering rapid tests by appointment at the department on Tuesday and Thursday, with Sweeney saying those tests are more accurate if you someone is experiencing symptoms.