TCHD: Todd County gains one COVID case, school numbers still look good

For a second consecutive day, the Todd County Health Department reported only one new case of COVID-19 Sunday.

The otherwise healthy adult, who is not connected to any other known cases, is isolated at home with mild symptoms. All contacts have been notified to quarantine.

Twenty-five of Todd County’s 346 cases are healing at home, 307 have recovered, one is hospitalized and there have been 13 deaths.

In an update over the weekend, Todd County Public Health Director Jen Harris said there are only six active cases in the school system and she’s still comfortable with in-person learning continuing as things stand.

She agrees with Superintendent Mark Thomas that many children are safer and healthier in a controlled environment at school than they might otherwise be having to get out into the public at-large to complete virtual instruction.

Harris says she, Thomas and the school board will continue monitor data in order to keep students as safe as possible, should the data change drastically.