Millbrooke Elementary to go virtual for three days

Millbrooke Elementary School will go virtual for the next three school days, due to an increase in COVID-19 and other illnesses recently.

According to a statement from Superintendent Chris Bentzel, the decision comes after an increase in both positive cases and quarantines, and although student attendance remains around 90 percent, health data is showing an early onset of flu and stomach viruses in the building as well.  Millbrooke staff and students will participate in online learning Thursday, Friday and Monday, allowing the district six days to deeply sanitize the premises.

Teachers will be providing students with the information they need to perform virtual learning—students that don’t have access to reliable internet will be provided accommodations. Families will be able to pick up a four-day food supply for their student at Indian Hills, Hopkinsville Middle and Hopkinsville High Schools.

The goal is to bring in-person learning back on Wednesday, November 4, due to Election Day on Tuesday. Families will be updated early next week about the ongoing situation and parents are encouraged to contact the Christian County Board of Education with any questions.