The Christian County School Board heard an update on pandemic procedures at Thursday’s meeting and approved some roofing repairs.
Assistant Superintendent Laura Morris told the board that COVID-19 cases continue to remain manageable locally, but they are excited by the fact that on Monday, approximately 692 students will be returning to in-person instruction from the Virtual Learning Academy.
Superintendent Chris Bentzel says they’ll also look at bringing middle school students from the current hybrid model back to a traditional, five days a week in-person model—he says many students and teachers are ready to get back to normal.
He believes the school system has proven that they can provide students with an education while keeping them healthy. Bentzel also says the hiring process for a principal at Millbrooke Elementary has begun, with a decision to be made soon.
The board approved a certificate payment in the amount of $300,000 to go towards Christian County roof repairs, along with a change in payment for the reroofing project of the 200 hall of Hopkinsville High School, decreasing it by $3,750. That’s due to some materials coming back cheaper than expected, resulting in the change.
The board recognized Ben Pace as student of the month, and multiple teachers of the month, including Kim Hayward, Kaydee Sevilla and Derrick Hickman. Sara Sweeny, Assistant Principal of Millbrooke, was named administrator of the month. Emma Bacon, a longtime educator and community advocate, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award.