Drive thru Relay for Life coming up Oct. 24

Christian County Relay for Life couldn’t happen at the Sportsplex this summer due to the pandemic, but there will be a drive-thru version later this year in the parking lot of the Christian County Justice Center.

Relay Chair Pam Futrell says it will be from 5 until 7 p.m. Saturday, October 24 and you can remain in your vehicle and greet all of the fundraising teams.

She says you can still buy a luminary or torch and you can still get the name of a friend or loved one who’s battled cancer in the program that night if you purchase it by the end of Friday.

The theme of this year’s Relay is “Hope is Contagious” and anyone wanting to help or purchase a luminary or torch should call or text Futrell at 270-498-1778. All money raised goes to the American Cancer Society.