CCHD Director says county headed wrong direction with COVID-19

Christian County Public Health Director Kayla Bebout says the county is headed in the wrong direction regarding COVID-19 and they’re asking local residents and businesses to take the steps necessary to reduce spread of the virus.

Bebout appeared on WHOP Thursday morning and says the data tells the story—COVID cases are on the rise.

Amanda Sweeney with the health department says businesses can play a large role in efforts to slow the spread.

Bebout says individuals can wear a mask in public, social distance, wash their hands often and comply with requests to quarantine for 14 days when it’s determined they are a close contact with a confirmed case.

As previously reported, the state’s incident report map has Christian County in the red, or critical, zone. The health department made several recommendations Wednesday that are in effect through October 2, including asking churches to find alternative means to worship and recommending that only one member of a family enter a store or business.

Testing continues weekdays from 9 until 11 at Tie Breaker Park and Sweeney says about 26 percent of local cases have been asymptomatic—making testing a very important tool to reduce spread.