Senator McConnell visits Jennie Stuart Health, Logan Memorial Hospital

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell visited western Kentucky Wednesday and made a stop at Jennie Stuart Health to thank them for their valiant efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also made a stop in Russellville at Logan Memorial Hospital earlier in the day, expressing his gratitude to both institutions for their dedication to their communities by offering testing, treatments and healthcare during a very trying time for hospitals. He discussed the CARES Act, a coronavirus relief bill, of which Jennie Stuart received $9.3 million and the senator says it was much needed.

He says an agreement has not been reached in Washington D.C. concerning a second rescue package, but one of the things he intends to prioritize is liability protection to help avoid unnecessary lawsuits.

Senator McConnell says it’s not clear if holders of private health insurance will see increases in their premiums due to the pandemic, but he’s not sure what the legislature could do to mitigate that if it did occur.

The senator says the United States economy will not shut down again, as that presented its own host of problems that need to be avoided—so until there’s a vaccine, Senator McConnell urged everyone to wear a mask and social distance as necessary to keep things going as they need to.