Stroll, Sip and Shop event happening Thursday downtown

Businesses and restaurants in downtown Hopkinsville are gearing up for the next Stroll, Sip and Shop on Thursday and the public is invited to come take advantage of deals and fun.

Holly Boggess with the Downtown Renaissance District says they’ll be celebrating their local small businesses downtown—many of which have been hit hard and had to adapt to the ongoing pandemic—and the event begins around 4 p.m. Thursday.

She says there will be numerous activities happening on site, and downtown businesses and restaurants will be open for people to enjoy, along with live music.

They’ll be handing out totes full of coupons, recipes, bingo cards and more—August is in celebration of Family Fun Month, so there will be a scavenger hunt available for families to take part in.  Boggess says they will be encouraging health guidelines be followed, including social distancing of at least six feet, not gathering in large groups while strolling downtown and wearing of face masks inside businesses.