Private company gives $35k for Ruff Park infield improvements

Repairs have been completed at Ruff Park after severe weather caused major damage in January and additional improvements have been made thanks to publicity garnered during the storms.

Jonathan Zordel is president of the Christian County Youth League and told Christian Fiscal Court Tuesday morning of hearing from a public relations firm representing Sparkling Ice beverage company of Seattle about a month after the severe storms.

Sparkling Ice was looking to provide financial grants to three parks across the country and learned of damage to Ruff Park through local media reports. Zordel told them that repairs were being handled by insurance funds and man hours from the Christian County Jail, but that the park was looking to purchase special field-coating dirt for the infields that’s already being used at Tie Breaker Park and at the local high school fields to improve water drainage.

Sparkling Ice approved a $35,000 grant to the local youth league and Zordel says a contractor has nearly completed the work on all of the infields.

Zordel says Ruff Park is in better condition now than it’s been in recent memory.

Magistrate Darrell Gustafson serves on the Hopkinsville-Christian County EMS Board and says changes to the fire department-EMS staffing structure are complete and working well.

Christian County Regional Animal Shelter Director Irene Grace says 276 pets found forever homes last month, including 120 kittens.

In other action, Christian Fiscal Court agreed to apply for grant funding for the local airport to put asphalt in front of recently constructed hangars. The airport board would contribute $1,200 to the project and the remaining $186,000 would come from state and federal grants.