Bars to close, restaurant capacity reduced in response to increase of COVID-19 cases

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has set down new guidelines that require bars to close and reduces capacities at restaurants, after he announced 522 new cases of COVID-19 in the state Monday.

The Governor says the data in undeniable that cases are on the rise in Kentucky, and although no one wants to add new restrictions, after meeting with White House advisors, he felt that they must act now to address the spread.  Those 522 new cases puts the overall total at 27,601, and the governor says while they have already taken some action—including a mask mandate and limiting gatherings to 10 people or fewer—now they are limiting restaurants to 25 percent indoor capacity.

Governor Beshear says bars will close starting Tuesday and that will be in effect for two weeks.

Governor Beshear says he’s also recommending to school districts across the state to push back their start dates until the third week of August—Christian and surrounding counties already have a start date for the end of August. Public Health Commissioner Dr. Steven Stack says these steps are absolutely necessary and that by acting early, it will keep more people from becoming sick.

The positivity rate is now at 5.58 percent, with 588,927 tests having been administered in the state so far—of Monday’s number, 21 of the positive cases are children under the age of five years old.  Nine more Kentuckians have died, including a 61-year old from Livingston County, bringing that total up to 709.

The Tennessee Department of Health is reporting 2,553 new COVID-19 cases, putting the Volunteer State overall total at 96,489—there were 11 new deaths, up to 978.  Montgomery County gained 16 cases, Robertson County gained 18 cases and Stewart County added one case.